Wednesday, January 31, 2007
chances chances chances.

today mwo lim came over for a meeting. after the meeting he suddenly call me over to talk to him. cos hes notorious for screwing all those working under him including my two warrant officers so all my men were like "orh hor die alr"

but then they dunno im rather on good terms with him. hahahaha. first he ask me what i have learnt so far.

"oh mostly docu stuff and dispense stuff too. and learning lots from my upper study"

"ok. where you stay"

proudly i said "pasir ris" HAHAHAHAHAA

then he said "ok i post you to clementi"

ok anyone who knows the mrt route thing knows clementi and boon lay no big difference at all. like what, 4 stops? but still a difference is gd enuf.

AND clementi if not wrong its 2PDF and 6SIR. means uber slack. hahahaa. not 24hr like where i am now.

then he continued "you still eager for overseas posting?"

thinking he meant the taiwan posting i am reserve for, "YES OF COURSE"

"what if its thailand or brunei or NZ or india?"


i told him that have to go thru parents again first cos they might nt like the idea of living in india for 1 year come back alr can more birds more luck around so he said he will call me when its confirmed.

everybody pls wish me luck so i can escape from my present gugujiaohole
Thoughts Became Words At 8:12 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007

mr. Perfect and mrs Perfect just quarrelled. they threw their perfect furniture around, allowing the ideally scupltured chairs and beautifully shaped tables and utopiatically contoured cupboards to slice through the air of their home, which is in the ideal perfect composition ratio of gas molecules.

this quarrel arose cos each of them, being perfect, wanted the other to admire him or herself. But the other, being also perfect, couldnt be bothered with this admiring thing. So no admiring was exchanged, and each thus felt the other didnt like him or her. and so they decided to break up, and in a moment of perfect competitveness, decided to see who will fare better in finding a better companion.

and thus began the epic journeys of mr perfect.

he decided to date 'em all, all 250 of them, and see who is the best, so that he would not lose face when he faces miss perfect, the Elite One, at Victory League, Indigo Plateau, in the future.

first he came to Ice City. in the freezing showers of white, he saw a lonely figure in the white. It was the Ice Queen, the epitome of distance and untouchability. She was always alone, and her face was frozen forever with a neutral expression. Her Level 42 Aura of Warped Time and Space meant that the more you approached her the more distant she would become. When you really got too close she would use IceBeam from her eyes and you would be frozen and you lose one turn. only a Level 99 BradPitt (currently bradpitt is level 42 only cos he still needs a isaacnewtobraintransplant and bruneikingsmoney and godzillasgugujiao to reach 99) can ever pentrate her aura

so Perfect decided to move on after his gugu was broken off by frostbite. next he came to Fantacity, the land of shining knights in golden armor and supremely pure white (eurasian) horses and lofty castles and evil scheming witches waiting to trap innocent virgins. He saw a figure in a room in a tall tower, and he went to see. It was a Level 57 FantasyGirl, clad in pinkish princess-like robes with long black hair trailing down her back.

"hi care to go out for the perfectest date ever in your imperfect life?" announced Perfect.

"oh help me save me my shining knight save me from this dark abyss of a prison and carry me on white (eurasian) horseback under the frail moonlight to the land of neverending summer and vibrant seas of flowers oooohhhhhh save this fragile and helpless princess from distress omg omg help me oh my valiant and shining one"
"fuck you and your daydreams pls get back to reality cheebye"

and so Perfect went on. he came to a path and met a figure. She was stuck on a wall. Being perfect, Perfect helped to peel her off the wall.

"OMG you saved me im yours FOREVER"

and the figure threw herself on him and stuck there damn tightly. Perfect's handphone suddenly beeped cos 294 smses just came with all of them talking about goodnites and looking at the stars and thinking of him and he appearing in her dreams and such. about 96 missed calls also came, most of them cos she just wanted to hear his voice. With much horror Perfect discovered he has met the UhuGirl. she would be his guardhouse, cos whenever his friends called to ask him out they would have to go through her. altho he can dominate the glue industry with her, Perfect finally got rid of her with much effort and moved on

he was walking sianly on the path when his eyes were suddenly pulled to the side altho his eyes quite small like Rain's and F=Ma but still the F quite big so his eyes were quite pain. but then he saw the epitome of attentionattraction. it was a powerful Lodestonegirl. only by combing Magneto with a level 70 Magneton and 56 tefal vacuum cleaners will you get this legendary figure. clad in LV robes and carrying a bright hot pink Chanel handbag and sporting about 38 Gucci hairpins and sucking on a prada lollipop and blowing her Biotherm-washed nose on a Moleskin tissue paper, she strutted around the path up and down about 20 times. Perfect was about to speak to her when she threw a paper (Moleskin also) at him that said give me a vacheronconstantinwatchifyouwanttospeaktomeoneword

Perfect shouted a "fuck you" but then she threw a Burberry condom at him and said "put your credit card with its PIN inside then"

next he encountered the Prophetess, a 700th descendent of Nostradamus. before he had a chance to talk to her, she shrieked "lets get married we would have 3 sons and 2 daughters and their names would be Jonathan and Glen and Graham and Samantha and Tracy and we would drive a Honda Civic and you fetch the kids from school after work and i would be your housewife at home doing chores and we would live a perfect family life and so lets get married NOW and i mean NOW does the word NOW sound and look like the word Later or Seefirst you fucking cheebye lets go ROM right now without much ado so what the hell are you waiting for for the one last time i need yall to roar"

Perfect couldnt take it anymore and ran away screaming. where was his miss perfect? how could the rest of the world be so not like her, so imperfect? altho he has seen 'em all, his pokedex full alr, he just wanted his same old miss perfect, the one who would not be a icequeen but would instead melt his heart; the one who has daydreams and shares them with him but knows fantasy is only fantasy and they were better off listening to jay chou's album; the one who knows when to stick to him and when to act inaccessible, when to give in and not to; loves to go shopping with him but knows when to pull the reins; becomes the prophetess only when the time is right and he is ready.....

but try as he may he couldnt find miss perfect. where was she? looks like she was having her own adventures somewhere.....
Thoughts Became Words At 11:40 AM

Friday, January 26, 2007

koped from somewhere else... just tot it was a gd entry hahahaa

Like Paris Hilton's single, the girl whom you a few months ago kept creeping into your mind on repeat. Thing is that you don't even listen to pop, so how the hell did that song, like her, sneak in there making you hum along. Every moment you're awake, the thoughts somehow seems to return to something related to her.
In her company, you seem to lose sense of time and space when you're usually quite grounded and aware of your surroundings. You stayed out with her until 5 am when the self imposed curfew was originally midnight because you had to wake up at 7 the next day to attend class. You could spend an entire day just watching her without getting bored for even a moment. Walking down Orchard on a crowded Sunday, the only thing you noticed is that strand of hair that hung down the side of her face. You remember the color of her contacts on the second day you met when you usually have trouble remembering people's faces after meeting them for a week. There isn't anything you wouldn't do for this girl. No thought to spending $300 on something for her when you only have $9.52 in the bank and an e-z link card.
She is gorgeous and stunningly beautiful, but that isn't why you're interested and totally infatuated. You were more excited seeing that sliver of skin between her jeans and tank top than any porn sites you "stumbled" across. You'd give anything to be alone with her for a night in a hotel room, but it's more than that. It's that feeling somewhere between your chest and stomach that makes you want to see her day in and day out. She's the one that, even with a few moments a day or a short chat on the phone, could make you smile when your usual facial expression is neutral.
You write and rewrite every simple SMS with such vigor that if you did the same with your papers you'd be sure to graduate with highest honors and distinction. Every reply message is anticipated with much excitement and then dissected and analysed in such a detailed manner that Mindef would call you up to decode secrets for them. When you think of her, your stomach does flip flops and your hands feel like they're dripping water. The number of hits on her blog in a day from you alone would rival the clicks on Google and Yahoo combined. Every time her MSN signs on, you are tempted more than an alcoholic let loose in the Tiger Beer brewery. But she doesn't know.
Then it hits you like the smell of durians. Maybe you did or said something that scared her away, or maybe you're a pessimist, or maybe you found out she has a boyfriend. He doesn't appreciate her and doesn't have any redeeming qualities, while you have 84, even during a hangover. But you're too nice to disturb her happiness, so you try to give some space. You can only hope for a second chance with her, to learn from the mistakes you made. Either way, your chances with her aren't what you thought they were. So you're forced to write an article that says how you really feel, which could be taken the wrong way.
So cut this out and give it to her, see what happens and then move on without the regret of not trying enough. (Tell me how it goes)
Thoughts Became Words At 10:42 PM

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

if only everyday in camp was like today. hahahaha. today both warrent officers not in. the 2nd sergeant also not in. cos all regulars need to attend some military medicine conference gugujiao thing. so after the captains the biggest is us 3rd sergeants already muahahahaha

without the prescence of the 2 ying yang warrant officers (one is eurasian the other is indian) the power of the double dragon is nonexistent already hahaha. the power of Michael Jackson, props to coronation tenderfresh auntie for giving this name to her soyamilk with chinchow (props to chin hoe for having a brother too), is totally no more. cannot play reversi any more hahaha

anw today i otot went canteen like 3 times. hahahaa. first went to eat some noodles. then went to drink some milo. then went back to sip kopi beng like in spinelli liddat. it was life like i pictured it to be when i recieved my posting. unfortuately i can only enjoy this till monday when the yingyang twins come back. arggh. then it will be back to gugujiaonehnehpoksheesheeshimmeringandcoruscatingwithincandescentdabianhair

army is rather interesting for me hahahaa. during it i was at one of my peaks of physical fitness. but now im at one of my lowest ever hahaha. i now its really wake up walk to mrt sleep on mrt chiong paperwork like a gugujiao until lunchtime then eat then chiong paperwork then sneak out to canteen and eat again then chiong paperwork then knock off then take bus to mrt then sleep on mrt and walk home and eat again and sit down either in front of tv comp or lie on my bed.

got ippt coming up alr whatthenehnehmao. hahahaa shd b able to get full marks again hahahaa but think cant get gold alr.... running will be 10 min to 11 hahahahaha.... no more shall be a full marks silver shit hahaha
Thoughts Became Words At 9:56 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2007

black is the new black. black is beautiful

black is nothingness, nonexistence, absolute, limitless mystery, an infinite and borderless space for imagination. it is the existence of nonexistence, the presence of absence, how you feel what is not there at all, that gives it its flawless beauty

thats the reason why space has always mystified many a philosopher, poet, astonomer and painter--- its how the infinite nothingness that attempts to envelop and engulf those pinpoints of stars that gives the stars a delicate, fragile beauty. it is the fact that we are suspended in a limitless space of nothingness that gives every photo of planet earth a lonely and silent beauty.

thats the reason art about night and its silent blackness is more often than not much more beautiful than those about day. from frederyk chopin's nocturnes to mozart's moonlight sonata to bram stoker's dracula to vincent van gogh's starry night-- all are celebrations of night.

next time before you sleep, switch off the lights, uncover the curtains and see the darkness, observe nothingness, and you might appreciate it for once.

and of course i love indians and negros
Thoughts Became Words At 12:20 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mr Single has a rather interesting life. Throughout his entire life, he has been always eating Mushroom Swiss Singles, never buying whole albums but only singles, wearing only singlets, spelling the word singer as singler, never following his sergeants' commands to double up, hates double decker buses to the core, always loses at the game Double Dragon, thinks the worst movie moment ever was the part in StarWars: The Phantom Menace where Princess Amidala revealed that she had a double, loves Binary Code because it never goes above 1, buys only Kraft Singles for cheese, totally hates doing Chemical Spectro questions because the words doublet and triplet keeps appearing, and once attempted to hack into the site called

he has always detested the fact that the SinglesUnite! community on YahooGroups keeps decreasing in membership, and dosnt really know why.

one day he was jogging in the park when he noticed a solitary figure, clad in grey raiment and with white hair spilling down his back, sitting alone under a tree. This very aura of ultimate Singleness caught Mr Single's attention, and like currents attract each other, so he went over to the tree.

That was when he realised the figure was the legendary PhiloSolopher, the one being who attained singlehood nirvana by sitting under a single sapling for 9 years (the maximum one can spend meditating, cos when it reaches 10 its no longer a single digit). But to his surprise, the PhiloSolopher had tears streaming in rivulets down his time-beaten cheeks.

When asked, the legendary figure said that he has realised the ultimate lesson in singlehood, and that this revelation, while was the result of many years of exploring singlehood, seems to contradict the very ideas of Singlist theories.

While there are so many single individuals in the world, he said, their very prescence in such great numbers also at the same time strays away from the ultimate goal of having only One thing for everything, a digit 1 for everything. isnt 10 million single individuals such a distance from the goal of having only 1?

Thus, he continued, the true method to living was to group all the Singles together, and first step was to group them at Doubles first. However, in order to adhere to the Oneness rule of the universe, they must become so compatible such that together they both can be regarded as One, a fusion of two into one, and they shall be called husband and wife.

After that it is done, further levels can be attained, from couples to families to societies to cities to countries to the entire world. When the entire world population has put aside their differences and regard each other as a fellow component in one huge, complete, perfect OneBeing, can the goals of the Oneness be attained.

i am single so hello are there any singles out there who want to fufill this goal please HAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAA
Thoughts Became Words At 2:09 PM

Sunday, January 07, 2007

omg check out !! see all their episodes... esp. the What To Do On A Nice Day and Campfire and Thinking of You ones.... damn nice and cute...also check out the e-cards like the Thank You.... hahaha fucking cute and funny...
Thoughts Became Words At 5:51 PM

just woke up... yesterday was my 3rd time clubbing... went zoukphuture... supossedly there was this JC pageant thingy that showcases all the prom kings and queens of year '06 and attempts to select the ultimate god and goddess from there.... went with daryl shichi and shichis fren edwin... but altho we reached there earlier than normal clubbing times (10) we realised that the event ends at 1030. knn. but then i heard it was rather gay and boring. but i think serena won promqueengod (chowyongjun are you reading this) and some gay from jjc won promkinggod.

and saw quite a lot of familiar faces there. saw Lisheng Aikboon but they didnt go club after the event they went home instead. saw PeyYann Lide Guanhow Marcus Xianghow DaWei DefinitionCrew's WenZhi Kelvin and Marcus InertiaCrew's Dehui and Chiro. oh ya when i just went in also saw serena and colin. serena was wearing this black and white dress and you know how white stands out in a club and her face plus the white are complementary goods so it was rather pro (chowyongjun are you reading this. and colin was just this fuckingcheebye tall silhoutte in black.

and it was actually a bit sian altho the music was rather good. cos most of the jc ppl went off around 12am so in the end most of the club was all older ppl. phuture still was ok, when i went zouk to see around it was all fucking Minahs and Angmohs and i was rather er dao. and i was rather tired and the drinks had no effect at all altho i goped my frens coupons and drank 1 JohhnieWalkerontherocks and 1 Hennessyontherocks and 1 CokeVodka and a lot of TequilaInAJug.

in the end i left slightly earlier, at 4am. i must say zouk is jinxed for me. everytime i go there i feel sian. MOS is better. but i dun think i clubbing again soon i hope hahaha need to buy cny clothes

yeahh later gg tchs gym to gay around woots and after that celebrating dads birthday
Thoughts Became Words At 10:52 AM

Friday, January 05, 2007

sergeants are like the shit in the toilet bowl. they are dominated by The Hand, the one power that has the ability to flush them away to total obvilion. on the other hand they are floating and above The Water, which is below them and is influenced by the shit as the waste material slowly dissipates and diffuses into the originally pure and useless water. yet despite this, the shit knows that it is kept afloat by the water; without the water the shit would be floundering at the bottom of the toilet bowl. and also the water tends to get higher than the shit and attempt to drown it, for water is not shits natural medium. thats why laosai is abnormal. and of course even the water, which is below the shit yet has ability to destroy the shit, is also subjected to the will of The Hand.

the hand are the officers, yet sometimes even the fingers on your own hand dun agree with each other. there are more powerful fingers like your thumb and first finger, yet there are meaningful ones like your ring finger. the more powerful ones are the commissioned ones, while the other are the warrants. altho as one they are near omnipotent, their internal struggle sometimes proves to affect the shit in the toilet bowl.

the water represents the men. you have the power to control them, yet if your shit diffuses too much in your attempt to influence you become so blended with the water and become like them, and you lose your identity and power.

such is the sandwiching effect faced by sergeants. they are neither here or there, neither up or down. they are the ultimate sai kang party. they must do everything that the men do, and on top of that they must handle the stuff thrown to them by the officers. and not all stuff they do get recognition. they are actually just men with greater surface area so that they can get arrowed more easily

hooray for the dung beetles
Thoughts Became Words At 9:04 PM

Thursday, January 04, 2007

there is a part of me who listens to painful yet beautiful songs by Opeth Saosin and Agalloch, yet there is a part of me who loves delicate music by Chopin AzureRay and MariaTaylor.

there is a part of me who cant wait to go run yelping into the sun yet the other part of me beckons me to curl up next to a window on a rainy day looking at the grey and listening to the sound

there is a part of me who loves going to a club and get drowned in music lights alcohol and body heat. yet the other loves the quiet of sitting in a dark bar
looking far drinking on some smooth drink

there is part of me who is the afternoon sun but it is sometimes eclipsed by the other

there is part of me who cant wait, but the other is content with yearning

these parts do not alternately come; they co-exist, and i dun think they like each other
Thoughts Became Words At 10:25 PM

Samuel Peck
24 September 1987
Nanyang Business School
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Khaki Pants
Running Shoes


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